
Thanksgiving '08

Thanksgiving day was accompanied by a condition 2 snow storm. In the morning it was okay weather walking to work, spent the entire day eating and putting out food, then when it came time to leave it was bloody cold and windy outside. The wind about blew my plate of pumpkin pie out of my hands.

155 Dining Facility. For Thanksgiving, 300 people were registered per meal, 1 dinner meal every 1.5 hours starting at 2:30 PM.

Last minute rush to get the live flowers out on display.

Setting up the line.

Volunteers came in to help us slice the beef and do dishes.

Right at 2:30 the doors open and they flock in.

My addition to this sea of goodness... a pumpkin-sweet potato souffle with marshmellows and cinnamon on top, in the far back ;)

Just another brick in the wall; a serial number with a face and paycheck wearing a white coat and black bandana with dreams that one else has dreamt before.

I parked myself at the end of the table.
And ate this.

After each meal the crowd gave us a big thank you. Don't thank us, please thank the turkeys.