
De Everyday Island Life

I dug through the fridge earlier today looking for some tortillas to make steak quesadillas, we didn't have any. So, I pulled out the handy dandy cookbook and made my own. Flour, warm water, shorterning, and salt.

Yesterday we had cheeseburgers for lunch.

I love cheese and I love bread = cheesebread.

Italian night was last night.

Blondy brownies.
After cooking, prepping, and eating I decided to get laundry done for tomorrows ride into town.

After that it was siesta time. When I first got out there I stuck my feet in the water and watched all the little fish going between my feet. I was like hey little dudes where you goin? I looked up and watched a few birds, then when I looked down I saw a giant barracuda head move from beneath the dock and come within 20 cm of my foot. Holy %#&! I flung my legs out of the water and fell back onto the dock. I crawled over to look at this monster and it was at least two feet long. A few days ago I thought I saw a giant barracuda chasing the needle fish, but this really reassured my thinking. No time for a camera I jumped in the water to scare the crap out of this thing just to show it who's higher on the food chain. Barracuda rule #1 - bite me and I will eat you. Later I talked with the marine biologists and they say it would take a nice bite of your foot if doesn't know your size.

I hiked back towards the station and saw Alex's dad picking up trash, figured I might as well do something useful besides chase a barracuda.

No matter where you go, as long as you have a 10' x 10' space you can work out. No excuses. Sit-ups, push-ups, and pull-ups are what I routinely do and they work well if you do them at least 3 times a week for about a half hour each day. You don't need a gym to work out, all you need is will power.

After all that fun it was time to do some exploring.

This is a sad sight to see. Some of the most polluted beaches I've seen were in the most remote places of Alaska and Costa Rica. We can't point fingers at other countries for polluting the seas, all we can do is try to clean it up.

I soon realized I was walking on a coral graveyard. In fact, this whole island is built on coral. As sea levels rise and fall coral reefs get covered and uncovered by the sea. At one point this island was a coral reef underwater. With a drop in sea level from some time long ago this coral reef patch remained exposed to the air, dried out, died, and became a hard rock-like feature by which sand, vegetation, and humans could colonize ontop of. The graveyard coral was eerie and I began to ponder what other bones I could be walking on... Mayan, pirates, European explorers... so I tred softly.

A secret beach ;)