
Duck and Tourists for Christmas

Here come the helos from the cruise liner a few miles from our station. 155 people visited to get a taste of McMurdo.

Instead of being a tour guide like I had originally scheduled I decided to get ahead on my preparation for Christmas dinner and focus on the safety meeting this morning. If given the chance I will be the vice chair of the all-hands safety meetings. At today's meeting we talked about fire prevention, the biological consequences of inhaling volcanic dust (i.e., arsenic), and many other interesting topics.
I rigged up a tofu press with salt bags, flour, and lexans to squeeze out all that boring tofu juice. When I took off the weight I instantly poured a spicy yet sweet red chilii marinade in to fill up those tofu pores with goodness.

It's been snowing here for the last week. Temperatures are rather low too, 10-20 F with wind chill. A snowy summer wonderland?

BBQ tofu! Always a hit in town. With the help of Raul we've engineered the best BBQ sauce on the block. Ketchup base, carmelized onions and shallots, ground mustard seed, fajita blend, nutmeg, mild chili powder, cayenne, lots of fresh garlic, red port wine, red wine vinegar, thyme, browning sauce or a dash of liquid smoke, and plenty of brown sugar.

My little sis Nora sent me another cool poster to hang on the wall. Ma also sent one of my bigger sisters school reports regarding a science experiment we she dropped my old laptop from a window to measure it's velocity. Good stuff.




My vegetarian corner. I have to mark my own territory away from the carnivores, although that duck is looking rather tasty. I'm prepping for the TVP, wild rice, and roast vegetable stuffed cabbage wraps on a bed of ratatouille with my new Japanese veg. knife. Light and sharper than sharp, fun to play with. Let's see how long this one lasts. I've already gone through 2 knives this month, most likely because I've had to cut over 20,000 lbs. of food items in the last month and half.

Also, got this candy cane filled with mints from my sistas. When I left from work they were all gone.

The gingerbread man station.

There will be lots more food to come, until then I got to go do some boxing.