
Sarah Connolly

When I drift into work around 5:30 Am breakfast is on the line, and it is awesome. After seeing what Chef F and Rizzle has created over the last few months I can't wait to get back to breakfast duty.
For lunch... chocolate cupcakes. Extra-chocolately.

Reuben sandwiches. The beverage pull.
Sarah Conoly is the new name for the penguin. Yes, we are almost toasted.


Worst Oil Spill in U.S. History - 2010

I want you kids to think about this for a second... what will be the ecological impacts of this spill? How will the dolphins, birds and beachgoers be impacted? What can we do to mitigate our dependence on crude oil? Save the whales. Save us.

Source: NASA Earth Observatory


April in Review

The following photos were taken by Dr. Greenthumb and Dr. D from STP. They give a good synopsis of the month of April.


Full Moon

I am accustomed to referring to full moons based on the folklore names given by the indigenous tribes of the North. Now, in the South, each full moon needs a new name. This months moon is going to be called the 'Yukimarimo Moon' since we've had great conditions for the those little snow balls to forms. Rizzle n I have transitioned to breakfast and lunch, respectively.

Blueberry pie.

Deli day.

I was trying to reverse engineer Subway.

Full moon rising.

Carmelized onion tofu. This dish I first did for our Thanksgiving dinner at MacTown '09.

Depending on your computer screen resolution/brightness you be able to see the moon halos and auroras in some of the pics below. For best results turn your screen brightness all the way up. Goods news, with the moon comes more light. My lil' camera likes more light for nighttime photos. If we get some strong geomagnetic activity (auroras) with the moon in the sky I be able to get good shots of the green clouds.

Greenhouse man trimming his plantas.

Healthy body = clean mind = pure spirit. A good and healthy lifestyle down here takes discipline from within.


ANZAC Cookie Sunday

This morning the Kiwis and Aussies got together to remember their fallen brothers in WWI. The ANZAC cookies brings the two nations together seeing as they both relied upon them for energy while in the field. Here's a recipe from one of the community member's mother. I adjusted it accordingly to 11,000 feet above sea level.

6 AM Sunday morning. My style of church = baking cookies.

The ceremony.

Later on folks lay back and play video games...

and do art. We have several great artists on station. Photographers, painters, movie producers, drawers, chefs, musicians, etc.