
Chef vs. Conejo Pintado

On Saturday morning, in Bocas, I ran around with my backpack picking up whatever ingredients I could stuff in my bag. I was told the pickup boat would be at the docks at 1 PM. When the boat arrived the gen. manager said that we also had to pick up the newly repaired boat hull, which has no engine or seats... just a small wooden paddle in case we get stranded and new to paddle to an island. So, we went to the boat shop and waited... and waited... and waited... mind you it was Saturday and during the weekend not many feel like working in Bocas. Finally, at 330 PM, we got the repaired hull to the docks and rigged it to the back of our only other operational boat. There was four of us hanging in the haul and two manning the pilot boat. Here we go...

Max. speed = 5 knots. We used the paddle to help steer during strong currents.
Adios Bocas. Back to Gilligan's Island, aka La Isla de Popa... my home until the end of April.
Kind of like a giant surf board... or canoe, and really slow.
An hour later...
In case of emergency.
Two hours later we reached our island. It felt good to be back in the middle of nowhere on a remote island with the natives.
We managed to get the groceries from Bocas to Popa Island along with the new hull.
This morning a few natives from another island dropped off a Conejo Pintado, which is also known as Paca, Gibnut or Royal Rat in places like Belize and Costa Rica. This is the largest land rodent in the world, and although a rodent, it tastes very good... much like rabbit, my favourite meat. In some parts of the world this rodent is becoming endangered due to poaching, but it is okay for Panama, for now. I also cooked it up in Belize, check out my Gibnut roast link here. For sustainable gastronomy I ask folks living on islands and elsewhere to think about raising them as you would chicken or pigs. Instead of hunting the Conejo Pintado in their native territories in Panama, raise a few in captivity and breed. This way we can enjoy this meat and protect the biodiversity of the jungle.
Here's Richy playing with the Conejo Grande... it weighed 13 lbs. You can read more about this rodent here.
I chopped off a rear leg of the Paca so that the guests can have a local taste of Panama, and prior to presenting it I will talk about the culture behind the rodent, it's rising popularity and what we need to do to start protecting it... Paca farms. The rest of the animal was sent back to the workers kitchen, where 10 or so islanders live and eat. It's their island, thus their gifts of nature and they deserve it. I'm just the middle man.