
Devils in Bocas del Toro

Image source: http://www.esacademic.com/pictures/eswiki/66/Bocas_del_Toro_Carnival.jpg

By Ash Wednesday all sin will be removed from Bocas del Toro. Actors dressed up as devil's run around with fake swords bashing the sticks of onlookers in the streets and tankers cruise the streets with fire hoses drenching the people... baptism? When I was in Bocas last Wednesday, a day before the celebration, I talked with the locals and the boys were telling me what surf shorts they were going to wear to pick up 'the gringas'. Oh geeze. The bars were thumping last Wed. with no one in them, but in the last couple days the city has been swamped with partygoers and devil's. Here at Popa Paradise Beach Resort we are booked as families and couples are looking for sanctuary from the madness. Get away from Hell's Kitchen... come to Popa haha.