
Westside Runnin

Two days ago I came across a dude on the Laguna beach who carried a talking parrot with him, he told me I should try runnin the Woods Canyon, so I did.

At first I thought I'd be running wild with mountain lions...

But, no, instead it was rattlesnakes.

Every step I took I thought about where the next snake might be.

I wandered off the path a bit to check out the Robber's Cave.

Later that day I wound up at the beach to cool off.

Beautiful quartz reef.

Beautiful Santa Monica pier.

And this morning it was hasta la vista baby. Adios Cali, it's been nice.

Back to the Ohio flooding and gray skies.


Goin Back to Cali Cali

Let me start off by saying that I broke down and bought a new Canon 2200A point-and-shoot digital camera, which has awesome picture quality by the way. Canon is the way to go. I'm back in action.

Last weekend my Cincy chef dudes found a honey hole of morels right behind their pad.

On the same rainy day that these babies ^ were found my mama and lil' sistas took off to Cali to chill on the beach for spring break. Well, after the morels were found and Easter celebrated with the fam I decided to head west too. I'm always game for travel and beaches. Peace Cincy.

Tuesday... upgraded to firstclass and a one-way flight to LA. Tight. Flying over the plains...

Above Nevada...

Across the canyons...

Through the mountains...

Into LA...

The Westside's biggest concrete jungle...

To mama's rental that she found on VRBO we go.

It had an evident Egyptian theme that blends with my tattoos.

Once found we headed to the 242 Fusion Cafe for some fine and natural sushi. Complements to Chef Miki. I began thinking about the potential damage that the Fukushima nuke plant may have on the Pacific seafood stock... I guess enoy now while you can?

Oh Laguna Beach how refined and beautiful you are.

The lone paddle boarder.


After a day at the beach (doing yoga, running and sunbathing) we took off to another beach to watch the sunset.

Yeah dude, this is the ultimate sport. Memories of my times in Panama flooded my neurons when I saw the kid get up on the board.

There's another reason why I came to Cali... tomorrow I journey to Santa Monica where I meet with the owner behind Citizen Skull Productions. Very few folks have the job of going from north to south pole, and vice versa every year... and if you have been following this blog you can see that there is a story to be told here. To put the content of this blog... and my upcoming experiences into a more publized format, i.e., TV series or documentary, would be the cream of the crop. Who knows, maybe in the near future you can catch me on TV... if not, well, be sure to get my book whenever I get the time to pull this journey together in words. Til then, I'll be here...