
Meet the Tortuga

Two things can be said about April in SW Ohio... the skies are thunderous and all the seeds I've planted are starting to grow.

After a one month cooking sabbatical I'm getting back into the tasty groove (and also driving a forklift at a local trucking company for a few extra bux). Simple BBQ chix and sauteed bacon, scallions, red onions and chives.

Brussel sprouts - seared in butter with onions, covered and steamed.

The final product - southern pan seared BBQ chicken legs with buttered brussel sprouts ontop a pool of cheesy, bacony, oniony grits that were given a licking of some beer.

When not cooking or driving the lift I'm in a woods somewhere doing something. This time Jo and I were looking for morels. Supposedly morels have been popping up all over in our area. Their season is short, so pick now!

No mushrooms found. I found something cooler... a box turtle named Grizzly.

No, I'm not going to eat it.

Onion, garlic and portabella.... sauteed in butter... risotta thrown in... let cook for a few... then add a bit of milk... let soften... add water and finalize al dente.

Another night, another dish. Pan seared zucchini with roasted tomatoes.


I constructed a large pond, leaf bed and an all-you-can-eat grape and worm buffet for the tortuga. If the tortuga is happy, I'm happy... eco-hospitality? It will be put back in the wild tomorrow.