
Winding Down

My cousin Steffi has come and gone at Toolik and I'm still working on editing her photos for upload. She has a couple awesome photos of the caribou we saw while driving up to Deadhorse. The caribou are migrating and we should see hundreds (if lucky) around the station by the end of this month. Maybe some wolves and auroras too.

The population has decreased to about 80 total, compared to the 150 we had just a few weeks ago. More quality vs. quantity for the kitchen staff. I'm heading off to Denver next week to do some Antarctic preparation. Can't wait to see stars :) We've had a few reporters pass through and you should check this site out: http://3290milesfromli.tumblr.com/ It will give you an overview of the science that goes on here. There's also a picture of the wolf spiders being caught in the field... and heck, they should come to my weatherport. I've been bit twice this month while sleeping. Better than the scorpions in Honduras and Costa Rica I suppose. Anyways, that's all I have for now and I will get some fresh pics posted this weekend.