
More Beauties from the Alaskan Wild

Nothing like a chocolate n caramel octopus served next to the Valhalla Cheesecake at 6 Mile Lake.

One of Jessy's ensalada creations.

Fresh salmon, asparagus and wild rice with a wild blueberry sauce.

Outside... lots of rain and clouds. I hear of 100 degrees in the Lower 48, but up here, we're lucky to hit 58. It's July 8th and it may snow tonight with a 40 degree forecast, strong wind and rain.

Pie in the making.

We've had several power outages over the last week. Candles and propane keep the kitchen rocking out killer eats.

Homemade basil egg noodles next to candlelight.

Apple n' granola pie.

Layers and layers of sexy tastes.

The cooked noods.

^ served with chicken cordon bleu.

Do you have so much bok choy in the fridge and don't know what to do with it? Kimchi.

Independence Day at Valhalla.

Honey wheat dinner rolls.

The backyard tundra.

Two days ago in the morning....

The boys took off with the fishing clients only to bring back coolers full of Sockeye salmon.

It was so hot outside (50 degrees fahrenheit) that Jess decided to jump in.

For about three seconds.

Yeah, I see you... and I hear you squeaking next to the fridges at night. 

The fly creation corner.

Good for the brain. Photography that is.

Coast Guard Herc flying through Clark Pass.

The fuel plane.

Yesterday morning.

Thanks to Liza for giving us this hard copy photo.