
The Last Few Years Around the Globe

Tomorrow I take off to Sale, I grab a train in Sale and go to Melbourne. I spend a night in the city and then fly to Christchurch, New Zealand. I will spend a few nights in Christchurch then catch a plane to Ohio. My plan is to spend a month in Ohio then go northward to Alaska to work at a backcountry adventure camp (Great Alaska Adventure Lodge). After the summer in Alaska I hope to follow the sun southward, like I've done for the last 16 months and go back to Antarctica and cook at Palmer or the South Pole Station, fingers crossed :) Folks say you can never really know your future, and I agree... destiny does have it's own ways, but if you don't try you will never know. Dream on.

The map above is missing a few other journeys... New Zealand, British Columbia, Colorado, North Carolina, etc. Oh well, at least you can see I'm trying to be 'bipolar' and hop poles every year.