
More Than A Chef...

The sun never sets and I'm four hours behind the Ohio time, so I don't know when to sleep. The picture above is just one of the amazing landscapes that I witnessed on my 10 mile walk at 11 PM last night. I woke up at around 8 and journeyed next store to the geo office. Bill was walking down the hall and I asked him about the camp layout and hand washing. He invited me to the camp supply room and drew on the blackboard the common layout of the truck and tents. Then he shows me a map of Livengood. Livengood is about 2 hours away from Fairbanks and is a retired mining camp, but these young geologists are looking to see if there may in fact still be gold reserves. Basically, the whole camps purpose is to map out resources on a topographical map. Hmmm... where's the gold at? Then, Bill gets into the REAL purpose of the Camp Chef. In the past the Chefs were geologists, and most of them didn't like not being able to participate in the field studies. I told him I'm an under-the-table geographer and just like to hear stories from the field just to get indirect knowledge about what's going on, thus know the big picture. He tells me there's more to it. The chef is the watchdog of the camp. Livengood is near some native reserves, and in the past there has been some issues of theft. When they are out in the field, I will be guarding the camp. Not only that, but since there are several departments collaborating on this camp, I must be able to mediate between department staff needs and student needs. In other words if the one group has hidden rations of water, and the other group is dying of thirst... then something must be said. Well, I'm off to Sam's Club. Here we go...