
Brunch and the Building of My Nest

Home is where the heart is, and I carry that thing everywhere I go. The byproduct of packin up your heart and moving continent to continent, station to station, kitchen to kitchen with a few items to live off of... is darn good food. Radiate. Bamdizzle we had brunch a few days ago and it was off the hook. Sunday was our day off, but we decided to rock out a brunch to start the year off straight. Chefy Fran made some monster french toast.

Waffle world.

A Taste of Paradise Smoothie. I'm currently the smoothie god.

Cold side. Fresh mango quac.

Cheese and a sunflower flower.

Fresh homemade cinnamon rolls.

Chefy made a mushroom and onion fritata. Everyone went for the tomatoes.

Lox and lime.




I am the Egg Man coo coo ka jou.

Aftework I moved from my prison holding cell #B1-105 to the ice palace room #A1-118.

I cruised passed the loading dock.

And de kichin. Down the stairs... (with 300 lbs. of junk, half of which I got here free from Skua)

Looking to the right of the crypt... But, I'm going left. Pass the emergency communications room.
And the sauna. Through another set of doors into A1. Down the right hallway. Gotta fancy map on my door... courtesy of Little Foot.
6 hours later here it is. Under the bed I have a hidden cave for when those midwinter nights come and I need to sleep next to the heater and humidifier. But, for now I sleep in the loft. Desk. Turn the lights off.. turn the other lights on ;p Argggg mateee.