
Everything's so brown...

So, instead of repeating chinese phrases in my head all day while cooking (wo yao yi bei ka fei) I thought about the colour of foods. Brown food is rather common when you think about it... french fries, potatoes, breads, chocolate, coffee, cookies, gravy, muffins, chicken, steak, funnel cakes, doughnuts, pecans, peanut butter fudge, dinner rolls...

Crab and clam empanadas..

Chicken puttanesca... with a little red (spicy marinara) and black (olives) on top...

Ginger snap tofu...

Mushroom roulade...

Crescent rolls...

Pork chops...

White bread...

Poppy seed buttery rolls... 99% brown.

Green bean casserole, now we're getting some more colour..

Back to brown...

Baked halibut...

Finally, yellow. Maize salad.

Wow, red (sundried tomatoes) and white (onions), for the tofu parmesan.

Brown stuff (parmesan breaded tofu fried) again lathered with white cheese, parmesan, and marinara.

Green. Cucumbers from the greenhouse.

And I'll bet ya that tomorrow's BBQ chicken will be brown too.