
Full Moon #4

The fourth full moon of this long winter has come. It's light reminds me of sunrise and I am getting excited to see the sun again. The sky at McMurdo has turned twilight, leaving us with another month or so before we see any hint of irradiance. Just for a recap... this is my 9th month straight in Antarctica, and I still have 3 months to go. I'm in no hurry, we have everything we could wish for down here... especially great food. Parmesan twisty buns..

Filet mignon.

Garlic bread sticks.

Meat lovers pizza rolls in the making. Next step would be to roll up the puff pastry with filling, egg wash it, bake it.

Brussel sprouts.

The pasta buffet.. three sauces.. bolognese, shrimp scampi sauce and plain veg. marinara.

Outside it is clear and -80 F. By now we are used to the cold. Our knuckles have the texture of snake skin, lips crack and bleed, eyes squint at bright lights, I still eat roughly 3,000-4,000 calories a day... gained 2 lbs. since I been here, and sleeping 10 hours a day is the least I may get in a day.

The greenhouse production has been off the hook lately. tons of chard.

Cucumbers daily.

Tomatoes are frequent.

The few whole onions we have left from the summer cache are being used in stews, breads and vegetarian dishes. Below is a seafood, sausage and chicken gumbo.

Fresh salad from the greenhouse.

Blackened cajun chicken.

Mashed yams and tators the ol' fashioned way.

Irish soda bread.

^ the bread accompanied the Irish lamb stew. The secret ingredients were Guinness beer and barley.

Pumpkin pie is probably my favorite pie. The leftover, uncooked filling is going to be used for pumpkin cheesecakes this weekend. Wish you were here Beaner.

Fresh white bread. Did I ever mention that I love bread?