
El Flor del Papos Menu

I journeyed to this Panamanian kitchen where a pre-existing menu was in action, but I felt that it was too confusing for the guests (zee Germans and their English interpretations)and needed a bit of local flare, especially dealing with the King Prawns which are caughts right of the shoreline. In just 3 days I came up with a brand new menu, using the old menu as my foundation for what ingredients are available, and I think that this new menu allow me to sail through the high season with very happy bellies. Beside the menu will be daily specials and I highly suggest that the guests participate in the chicken curry and na'an roundtable gatherings, mexican fiesta nights, seaside pig roasts, BBQ nights on the terrace, family style pork chop and tator dinners, etc. This menu is my baby and I have less than a week now to get it in full blown operation because soon we will be a full house. I also am looking to get with the locals and see what herbs and plants grow around here that I can use, and hopefully... I will be able to get some more speciality seafood catches or perhaps alligator from the villagers living next to the river. I do not want to put at risk the integrity of any ecosystem, but if a gift from nature can be sustainably used and I can help the farmers and open up the taste buds and minds of guests, then I am going to do it.