
Bushfire Haze

I just got back from the beach and caught site of this sea eagle. It hovered above me then swooped towards the water, suddenly dipping down to catch a fish. The fish was only a few meters off shore and the water is pretty rough with the 30 km/hr easterlies, so this may be a good time throw out some lures.

This morning for breakfast VP came up to our tent to nibble on some rock melon.

At the work site we could really see the haze. Last night around 5:30 I awoke to a pungent smell of bushfire and went outside to investigate. No fires could be seen nearby. I just checked a bushfire map out and the nearest uncontained fires are near Melbourne and the winds are just bringing the smoke in.

Every hour during our work I journey to the watchtower just to keep an eye on the horizon.

Here's one of the window sills we rendered. The large tarp structure is used to block the wind and sun such that the render doesn't dry to quick.

The local fire suppresion tank.