
Engulfed in Sustainable Living

P = Vi. Power = Voltage x Current. Why does DC need bigger cables? That's what a lad from Ireland (Steven), Frank, and I are talking about right now. Latesha is in her caravan watching the Simpsons and writing a paper on sustainable water management for her professors in France. I'll ramble on about the topics of our conservation .as they pop up over our the next few minutes... Kw/Hrs.. why add the /Hr?, Joules, Friction, Ohms, Transistors, Silicon Cells, Resistance, Battery Banks (Huge quantity yet can only discharge/recharge 20% at max./time with assistance of Regulators), Tolerance of Half a Volt, One-Way Diods, Solar Panels and Bypass Diods, Sine and Square Waves, Oscillation, Finicky Electrical Devices, RMS, Control Joints, Rendering, Compost Toilets, Fishing, Bacon as Bait? Meanwhile, it was just another wonderful day in the bush...

Fredo came for a visit and grabbed a leftover corn cob.

I saw this bugger in the bushes when I did my afternoon hike. At first I thought it was a snake, then saw the legs.

Here's the kango hiking trail. Normally you can catch a gathering of kangos at dusk.

What a beautiful evening. As the winter comes, more colours appear in the sky. Tomorrow is another 100% fire ban meaning bushfires are happening again. They sky may be blood red tomorrow. Hydrate the camp and hang by the beach.

Frank pulled out his surf rod today. My seconday job will be to catch fresh fish and cook it. Tomorrow is our day off, the third day off over the last five days and we're planning to reconstruct the outdoor camp kitchen. I'm becomming the bush chef. Heck ya. By tomorrow I'll have a three burner gas stove, induction burner, two smokers, a fire pit grill, mini camp fridge, wall of spices, Fredo hanging around for the leftovers and maybe some fish... haven't had any fresh fish for at least 4 months. What a splendid day it will be.