
Movie Grab #1: B-518-Byrd Penguins

McMurdo Thanksgiving Meal Stats

# = pounds

The numbers for this year’s Thanksgiving Feast:

1110# turkey

550# beef tenderloin

500# crab

400# potatoes

300# root veggies

100# bread for stuffing

180# green beans for green bean casserole

210# corn for corn pudding

1500 rolls

60 pumpkin pies

400 chocolate mousse skua's

400 candy/caramel apples

24 raspberry mascarpone tarts

350 mousse parfaits

700 chocolate strawberries

10L cream for whipped cream

700 rice krispie treats

2200 truffles

Photo Grab #3: VMF-Nov-29

I don't have much time to see the sites this year, but at least I get photos from folks who do. I'll share some of the albums McMurdo folks put on the I-Drive to show the rest of the world what the beautiful Ice is like. Below are some penguins and an old hut from the early explorers. I wish I could live in the hut and do my own research.
