
Snow Storm

The weathermen were right this time. Mucho nieve.

At lunch I just dazed at the whiteout while eating bean and cheese quesadillas.

The loading dock is a cool spot to cool down at.


Throwing boxes out just to see the snow.

Back inside, dude was panning the Mahi for tomorrow.

My task: create 60 gallons of marinara, 50 gallons mac n' meatsauce, cook all the side dish veg. (asparagus), juice 50 limes for tomorrows sauce, and I think that's it.

Back outside (more boxes of course) there's more snow.

Back inside I start mixing 20 gallons of elbow mac with 30 gallons of marinara mixed with sauteed ground beef.

Mmm... top round serloin = steak. Too bad I haven't touched meat/pork/poultry since I got here. I just need wholesome greens, tofu, fish, basic carbs, and some simple carbs and I'm good to go.

Mac n' meatsauce.

I ran back to grab some more asparagus and Raul was playing with snow.

I think it's for his crush.

Kids playing in snow.

Yeah, you might want to try the backdoor.

Looking out to the Ross Sea.

So tempted to build and igloo, but the snow isn't compact enough yet.