
Migration to New Zealand

36 hours ago I was leaving Halloween, an old dog, two sisters, mom and dad, a few cars, football games, a high school reunion, green cut lawns, the usual.

Grandpa took me to the int'l CVG airport. To get there we have to drive through Cincinnati, Ohio to Convington, Kentucky.

I flew Cincy to Chicago. Below is our departure out of Chicago. The girl behind me was on her cell talking about being a cook at McMurdo. We met and made friends, I told her all about it.

The Rockies at dusk.

Arrivng to L.A...

L.A. We had a drink at the bar and spilled our life stories. 2 hours later we were off to Sydney.

14 hours to Sydney. Near full moon. I always mirgate on moons.

Good morning sunshine. 10 hours after our departure from L.A. 4 more hours to go.

I awoke to a warm quiche with sausage and a muffin. I was watching a TV series on the French influence in Australian cusine. Wishin I could make a homemade crepe.

Landing into Sydney.

Blah, same old same old.

After an hour layover Sydney we headed off to Christchurch, New Zealand (below)... only three more hours to go. By now I've met at least 20 folks heading to Antarctica, most of them heading to the South Pole. I've learned that 95% of the people at McMurdo are new. I'm one of the few returnees. "Only the strong survive a second season." - back of cook truck


Right next to the airport is the infamous Antarctic Centre were tourists can get a taste of the real thing.

Some important people were getting videoed and followed by cops.

I got to my hotel and cruised the streets. This town rocks. Literally.

Tourists and backpackers everywhere. The ultimate gathering spot is the town center square, next to the Christchuch Cathedral. There you get everything from WiFi...

To games of giants chess...


Mystic drummers...

Amazing Red Curry and Lamb Slovakia at almost every corner.

My room. I love Hotel So. I love red and blacklights. Why go white when you can go red, or blue?


Rockstars on nearly every bench.

Recycling is good.
