
It's Official

10,000 lbs. of fresh produce came in yesterday and among them I found a big box of coconuts. Raul and I grabbed them, yearning for a memory of Belize. He showed me the proper way of cracking the hard brown shells and gathered the coconut milk, then drank it with pleasure. Coco Loco. That made my day. The sweet and spicy, autumn flavoured, cold-curing soup I made today with sweet potatotes, green apples, cinnamon applesauce, pumpkin, ginger, all spice, brown sugar, and white wine was the bomb! Oh ya, I meant to say that it's now official, I'm giving a talk in the main galley on the 25th to start the Antarctic Conservation League (ACL). Of course there's a typo in the flyer, I'm only human and a one-man show as of now. This could be big :)