
Ninjas at Pole

Friday night started with delish filet mignon for dinner.

Afterwards I met up with Miss Shelby and played around with various photo themes. On the wall are all the Polie crews from the past... and there I am, in the present, crusing by.

The halls.

C'mon man... just a few dollars for the poor.

Shelbz doin her thang.

I spent the majority of Saturday sleeping and designing Pole markers.

Later it was time to take part in a movie, produced by JT3 and Ether.

It's a ninja film.

All the guys die and the madam get's the secret sword.

Movie night. I'm hoping to get a copy of the ninja flick from JT3 and post it soon.

Right before the showing of the film I gave a speech on Antarctic conservation. A continuation of the Antarctic Conservation League.

The moon has risen and in 4 days it should be full.