
4 More Moons until the Next Sunrise

Midwinter (winter solstice) came and went. The physo-altitude pressure has been 11,200+ nearly all week creating sleeping and exercise challenges for the most of us. Oddly, my body prefers higher pressure... yesterday my pulse-O2 was 95. It's also been -90 F or colder.

After our big midwinter dinner we had a 'formal' dance party, which was a release for many people given that we had a lot of work to do in the last couple weeks. I saw that on the first day of our midwinter holiday folks were ecstatic...

The next day many were piecing their brain cells back together in order to count exactly how many more days we have left... 1 + 2 + 3... + 2 + 5... + 1... oh geeze.

And then on Sunday it was a very lonesome, somber day as that realization that we still have at least four months, 120+ days left. Some are lonely, some are tired, some just wish we had fresh bananas :(

Nonetheless, many are doing just great. One positive thing is that our eggs are now oiled so we'll have fresh eggs for the remainder of the season.

We've gone over MCI drill preparation and I've been nominated the Blood Master for the advanced trauma team... muahahaha.

Animals are starting to appear in weird places.

And the food is still really good. Sausage and bacon casserole..

Piggies in a blanket...


Where the heck this polar bear came from I dunno. North Pole?

All week I've been playing with bagels.

With a good recipe stuck in my head I'm hosting a bagel making class on Sunday so we can (1) make a large inventory of fresh bagels since we're low on pre-made and (2) educate others about the beauty of bagel making.