
Winter Solstice Feast @ South Pole 2010

Not only are we 47 humans the furthest away from the sun on Earth, but we are also eating some of the best food on the planet.

Here's our mid-winter dinner menu. Matty, the dish dude, designed the wicked menu border.

Before the mid-winter dinner began at 7 PM I pushed out breakfast at 5 AM. Long day eh.

Meat lover's quiche.

Canadian bacon and steak bfast burrito.

Rice crispy treats for breakfast... you betcha.

Then the kitchen team starts pulling together two weeks of prep for an utterly bombastic dinner. Rich whiskey and peanut butter balls...

Dipped in chocolate...

And drizzled with white chocolate.

Chico's chocolate truffles. The Doc came up to me at the end of service and said the chocolates were orgasmic. That really touches a cooks heart. Like shaman, bliss is our creation.

Chef Franzia showed us the art of country-style pate. First you chop and grind bacon, honey ham, and pork. Basically Spam that's baconed wrapped.

Then you layer a 4 '' x 8 '' baking pan with bacon, stuff, and pack.

Chico rolled on the fresh carrot soup and condos for it.

Olive bread rising.

Chico and Franzia put together some fresh pumpkin and lobster ravioli.

Prep on a cart.

The cooks cooking.

Dr. Greenthumb brought up some flowers for the table.

Many of the South Pole crew helped decorate the dining table.

Mr. Science arrived early for dinner to take some photos and observe us in the kitchen.

Displayed on the wall were mid-winter greetings from the other research stations around the continent.

For a few moments I drifted into my geographical exploration mode and watched and pondered as the station came together for this mid-winter dinner.

The women at South Pole 2010, missing one.

The cooks. Yeah.

The appetizers,

Which included sushi and sashimi,

And many drinks to choose from.

Then Chef Franzia prepared the sparkling apple cider toast.

President Obama wrote the South Pole several hours before dinner honoring our presence and operations at the station. He said that we are role models for the rest of the scientific community and inspire researchers. Cheers Obama.

Din din time.

On the table for starters are homemade pickles

And lots of fresh bread.

We then served the fresh carrot soup made with

5-month old preserved fresh carrots. We are now out of cabbage and carrots.

After the soup course Franzia started rocking on the entrees. Grilled lobster.

Seared steak.

Here the two are plating the first entree.

Steak, tators and fancy gravy.

Lobster, lobster and pumpkin ravioli, asparagus and fancy sauce.

The salad course. Chico's beans, lettuce, aged cheese and duck prosciutto.

Banana fosters with the last 30 frozen fresh bananas on station.

The candy platter. My fav. part of the dinner.

Dinner was a success... there were many good compliments. But, we weren't done yet, we still had to clean,

And party of course.

I later headed down to the music dungeon

and rocked out. Like always.