
The Rising Sun

And now it begins.

A few days ago was my lil' sisters birthday. Happy times Emma (:

Here's some baklava to celebrate.

Sunrise tis' the season to celebrate and shovel.

The transition from winter to summer has been rather blunt with only a 7-week twilight period. Although twilight was colourful, the weather conditions remained brutal. Inside the station we have been preparing for summer by organizing tasks, such as cleaning and shoveling. Now that we can see outside and the summer crew will be on it's way in three weeks we are peforming those tasks. The time to get out of here is approaching and we are taking things up a notch to ensure that when the summer crew arrives they have a welcoming station.

None other than a winterover Polie has the ability to see and feel this remarkable astronomical event. It's best described as blinding and holy. For 6 months we have not seen the direct sun and the greatest temptation we face... is to stare directly at it. It's now time for sunglasses, sunscreen, long hours of shoveling and many festivities.