
A Sunrise Thanksgiving

Here's what the Earth's shadow looks like.

Last night we gave thanks to the sun and celebrated with a big turkey dinner. Sometime in the next couple days the sun will rise (visibly) over the horizon. Most websites say that the rise will occur on the 21st, but given that we are ~10,000 feet above sea level it will take a couple days longer to be noticed. The atmosphere too plays a big part in whether or not we can see the sun.

Yesterday at 5:30 in the afternoon the 2010 South Pole winterovers gathered for the their last 'big' meal together.

Here are my partners... Ranger Boyd, Chef Fran and PC Raul.


The buffet line.

Strawberry and rubarb pie.

Carving station.

The tank.


My plate. I like dark meat.. and legs.

Here's where our trash goes.

Sunday morning I woke up 2 PM.... 14 hours of tryptophan-induced sleep. It was a beautiful white-out morning and I decided to go for a walk in the park.

First stop was to the quinzhee I built last week.

The front door.

The back door.


Then I wandered further into the backyard.

I came to a groovy warming shack.

Hopefully in a couple days the sky will clear and Brother Sun will show his face after 6 months of being hidden.