
A River Excursion

10 AM wake up with the birds. I scratch the mosquito bites on my foot given to me by the sleeping fairy. I get up, throw on my board shorts and head to my office across the bridge. Here it is. I've startedan indian drawing showing the shamanic visions of the boa, jaguar and eagle. It will take a few weeks to complete. While at the office I also soak in plenty of sun juice to prep for Hawaii and hunt for snakes. Breakfast happens whenever we wake up. Typically mine is at 11:00 AM. This morning's choice was bamboo grubs (suri) and paca. Mmm... tastes like a sweet gooey sausage with a very crunchy head. Over the grubs I spoke with the lodge owner about his philosophies. We're very much in sync with our perceptions on nature and evolution. The Amazon river holds 2/3rds of the worlds unfrozen fresh water and produce 20% of the atmospheres oxygen. Right now the river is at it's April flood highs and he's wondering if it will keep rising. He said he can't really tell if it goes up and down on a daily basis, but accepts that it is what it is. If he has to move some plants to higher ground then so be it. He's not only taught us about the local culture, plants and food... but, he is given us a glimpse into the pre-Incan days. He has many relics from the ancient temples and uses them for spiritual purpose to reconnect with the harmonious past. Being in this very mystical spot I've been having dreams of being a jaguar, which is probably why I fancy catching a boa based on Amazonian folklore. I've also been dreaming of giant floods and massive storms. Learn to swim. After the grubs it was time to hit the river and go for a long ride to who knows where. We snaked through the Amazon into tributaries and deeper into in the jungle where we passed villages and fishermen casting their nets. Houses on stilts were camouflaged in the overhang. Here's a rather nice sized village with a waterfront market and restaurant. The bigger the village gets the more slash and burn happens. You can see where they've gutted large areas of the forests along the river banks and it's depressing. In small cases it's okay, but couple that with microburst storm cells that flatten trees to the ground and continual flooding the damage stacks. Save the Amazon! After one hour of riding we pulled on shore to check out a quiet, lesser known village. Bird fragments - always a good sign when entering unknown territory... right? A jungle chicken. Must be the appetizer... A typical jungle casa. The backporch is where the kitchen, laundry and trash is held. One of the locals chatting with the boat capitain about how everyone in the area is partying because it's Carnival. Hi little dog they call me big dog. Pina. A few miles down river we jumped on a bridge to check out another village. I have no clue where in the Amazon we are at and it feels good. A sloth jacket. Not really something to advocate. There were many rainbows and the clouds were intriquiging. It felt like the minutes before a tornado would spin out. Heck, if I'm here and it's Carnival might as well mesh with the kids. Off we go, back to our river pad. The storm is upon us. The winds bring the rain and the rain washes the earth of the fires humanity create in excess.