
I Love Flying in Aeroplanes

Instead of flying across the Pacific directly from New Zealand to Peru I chose the scenic route and did I giant circle around the Ring of Fire. Three days in planes and airports. It doesn't really matter though, I had a nice 12-hour layover in Honolulu and checked out the Sunset Beach for my very first time.

Let's see here, I left the ice on the 8th and hung out in Christchurch for two days.

Ate some Thai food.

The rockin hotel room.

At the airport pushing my two bags of life to the check-in counter.

At the gate.

Leaving New Zealand.

Flying into Sydney.

Sydney's international airport duty free mall sector.

Bye bye Australia. Good on you and keep the Vegemite.

10 hours later... Aloha Honolulu.

I rented a car and cruised to every beach on the east and north coast.

Hey sis it has your name on it.


Sunset Beach has killer waves.

The highway borders beaches on one side and farmland on the other.

Tummy growling... pit stop at a shrimp farm.

Back to the airport for more frequent flyer miles.

Gotta love it.

Landed in Los Angeles and did a quick turn around to San Francisco.

The Golden Gate.

From here it's a 10 hour flight to Peru. I'm too exhausted to continue, so more later on. There's a world of birds, frogs, insects and monkeys talking outside my cabana in the jungle right now, think it's time shut eye.