
High-Altitude Marathon Training

Actually, we were just doing a practice stress test. The final results were inconclusive due to human error, but we were able to obtain 15 minutes of heart data. At higher altitudes the air is less dense, meaning you have to breathe in deeper to obtain the normal oxygen. The physio-altitude rose 500 feet overnight, and this type of change takes 2-3 days for my body to adjust to; not the optimum running conditions. Due to less dense air the lungs must work harder to get the right amount of oxygen, hence a big drop in the pulse-O2 as the work is increased. As we strive to maintain the same workout load as that at sea level our bodies adjust to being able to use less oxygen and our blood counts increases, meaning oxygen and carbon dioxide is circulated throughout the body faster. Same workload as sea level conditions + less air intake (f:(altitude)) = more efficient circulation of precious molecules. This is the cause behind blood doping. After a half year of fitness at South Pole my blood has turned into super blood.