
So Many Rolls

Sesame seed rolls.

Buttery twisty buns.

Show me the money honey wheat rolls. Now just imagine them all warm and moist, melt-in-the-mouthable.

Fresh frozen cranberries turned into a nutty cranberry salad.

Ah, the last of our fresh potatoes. Thank you, come again.

Mushroom roulade.

Ginger-snap tofu with carmelized fresh chard, pecans and blackberries.

The left side...

The right side... pulled BBQ pork with homemade sesame buns and "light your a#$ on fire bbq sauce". Sorry guys and girls, I'll cool the heat down a bit ;) Not. But, I will provide two types of BBQ sauce next time around, one sweet and one hot.

Every day is a holiday in some parts of the world, here's Thanksgiving again in August.. turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and gravy.

Today we had meatloaf.