
Cold Night Guitar Hero in the Lounge

I spent an hour down by the pier trying to get a shot of the Minke whales that were breaching at the water hole where the vessel once sat. No luck and it was bloody cold. It's hard to catch a whale as it comes up for a breath for a second or two, especially when your hands are frozen. I will keep trying. Meanwhile on my return to the station I journeyed to the lounge and saw a few of the kitchen folks playing guitar hero. I never played it before, I know of it... and I have my own opinions. First thing I asked the crew, "Dude, where is like the real bongos and acoustic guitar". Lou says, "What are you, a fricken hippy?" "Okay Lou, so where is the real electric guitar and amp." I got no reply and he gave me a weird look like I was old school. I mean Guitar Hero is groovy and all, but real guitars are far richer. Go old school.