
Dinner Takeover

6:32 AM Sunday, March 21, is our official equinox... but the solar disc won't set totally behind the horizon until a couple days later. The scientists keep us informed as to what meteorological/astronomical events we should encounter. I'm excited to see the 'lake of fire' that occurs weeks after sunset.

The Costa Rican coffee cheesecake.

Garlic bread.

Mixed veggies.

Carrot and raisin salad.

Mung bean sprouts. Locally grown.

Pickled cucumbers and onions. Locally grown.

Sausage lasagna.

Spinach lasagna.

Marinara and linguini.

Steak for tonight.

Marinated the way my Nannie taught me. The best way.


Last night there was a photography class in the greenhouse geared towards utilizing white light for extra photo ops.

Clouds have started to roll in this morning.

This photo comes from here. The white snow balls are called yukimarimos and occur when wind is weak yet steady and the temperatures around -70. What happens is a frost forms at the surface, condensation occurs and fragile snowballs accumulate and bounce around with a slight wind.