
Fun Breakfasts

After three weeks of being in the South Pole kitchen I am getting the flow of things. Everyday I come into work around 2 AM to give myself a few hours to get some fresh baking done. Breakfast is 6-8 AM. In two weeks I will start producing dinners, which means my schedule will basically switch by 8 hours. This morning I woke up, wondered up the stairs in a dead quiet hallway, and made some blueberry muffins.

Took a break to see what's happening outside.

Cleaned up the dining room, ate a few muffins, and found that the dog had brought in the newspaper. Wait a minute... where the heck did this come from?

Then I got rockin on some banana bread pudding.

Prior to baking, let the bread soak in the cream-egg mix for 15 min.

Meanwhile, I got some onions frying.

Cut up a bit of lamb and tomato, grabbed olives and feta, mixed eggs and cream together... I was thinkin a Greek Quiche made with lamb and feta, eh? You can see the bread puddings soaking in the back.

I threw all the quiche fillers together in the skillet for a few minutes.

I had made my New Orleans Beignet (ben-yay) dough the night before and all I had to do was roll it, cut into squares and deep fry. I've never done a beignet before, here's my first one... delicious.

How about dozens more.

Here's the finale of the Greek quiche.

Here's the finale of the banana bread pudding. Next time I'll use more liquid and top it with some cinnamon, but it was still really sweet and good.

Our fruit is starting to turn so I'm making big fruit bowls every morning. Fresh fruit smoothies are a hit too. Good news is that we've wasted next to nothing. We all know that when the boxed freshies go, they're gone for at least 8 months, so we're all chowing down on the fresh stuff.

I love my job.