

It has begun. The sun has set below the horizon and within 24 hours it will be entirely below it. We will have a couple weeks of twilight and I heard the cloud scenes are magnificant. After that it's nothing but cloudy days or clear days with billions of stars/galaxies/planets and southern lights. Back home in Cincinnati my family put on a sundown partayyy in memory of the southern equinox. The north is celebrating the south, and the south is celebrating the north... hope yals spring is coming along great cause today we had -108 F with wind again ;)

Buy locally. This salad is 100% locally grown in the South Pole greenhouse and it was delicious. I've eaten about 4 salads today... 2 pieces of cheesecake, 2 cookies, 1 slice of carrot cake, a bagel, 1 slice of lentil cake, some mashed potatoes, a few carrots, a lemon tart, and I still haven't gained a pound. Welcome to the South Pole Diet.

Meataloaf. Packed with blue cheese for extra flavour.

Mushroom turnovers. These are the last of the fresh mushrooms. Seems like every day now we're saying goodbye to a box of fresh produce.

This bad boy is a pork loin rubbed with secret spices and is going to be stuffed with an apple-carmelized onion-sausage stuffing tomorrow for dinner.

Lentil loaf for vegetarians.


For dessert tomorrow I made blueberry and strawberry pies, the old fashioned way. We have tons of pre-made puff pastry, pie crusts, etc. but I like to build it from ground zero.

Every 20 or so minutes the sky changes.

After work I snuck into the greenhouse to see what's growing and the cucumbers have taken over. Pickles anyone?

After a long day in the kitchen I felt it was time to chill out and do laundry.

While the clothes are drying...