
Energy at the South Pole

In contrast to the beautiful skies we had a couple days ago we now have a whiteout. With the change in weather, the temp. has risen from -100 F to -30 F. It feels like summer again.

Cinnamon twisty things.

French toast... 1 inch thick.

After work I followed boss and Rizzle downstairs to the power plant to get some training on how to monitor the generators.

Thou must check in and check out for emergency purposes.

Kitchen cartel.

Here is Ernz given us the rundown. He says that at 4 in the morning there's a giant spike in the A-Pod energy... that's when I walk into the kitchen and turn everything. So that's how Chef knows I'm late for work eh.

Genie 3 is on. We have four generators and several others outside. In the future I bet we'll have a wind farm if the technology can withstand the winter chill.

Energy use.

The water plant... the freshest water in the world.

The task for volunteers is to fill in Excel log sheets with data found on dials and monitors.

Water tank guage.

To the power plant.


Checking the thermal radiance from the pipes.

Then type in the numbers.

Here's one of our horses.

I was amazed at how clean this place was.

Here's the South Pole heating system. Our building and water is heated via radiant heating. Anti-freeze (Glycol) obtains waste heat energy from the generator and is sent around the entire station. The water in our kitchen tap is around 140, enough to overcook yeast, so it's plenty warm for us.

After the power plant tour I went to the Ice Cube lab to hang out. The video below shows a high energy particle coming from outerspace and being picked up by the Ice Cube sensor strands that are hung a couple kilometres beneath the ice. At times the particle (i.e., Neutrino) actually splits off into a daughter particle shower (i.e., Muons and anti-electrons) within the Ice Cube matrix. That would be a sight to see.